Clinical Vaccine Trials in Peru

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 18 After seeing the deadly effects of the pandemic, the Government started to find out about the vaccines prepared by different laboratories in order to protect the population against COVID-19. Thus, in August, the Peruvian Government signed an agreement with state owned Chinese lab, Sinopharm, to conductContinue reading “Clinical Vaccine Trials in Peru”

Peruvian Government’s Initial Reactions and First Measures

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 17 COVID-19 arrived in Peru on March 5, 2020. A passenger coming from Europe was the first officially detected case. This was the origin of the pandemic in Peru, which has caused the death of 35,967 persons, according to official data (until the date of last revisionContinue reading “Peruvian Government’s Initial Reactions and First Measures”

Corruption and Misinformation in Colombia

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 16 Colombia has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in much the same way as the rest of Latin America. My review of literature and media coverage has uncovered traces of another kind of virus – rising fraud, scams, and opportunism of the pernicious variety. This briefContinue reading “Corruption and Misinformation in Colombia”

Dia Típico de um Bibliotecário Jurídico de um Tribunal Brasileiro

Relatórios sobre COVID-19 em América Latina e o Caribe: No. 13 (In English) 1. Como é um dia típico de um bibliotecário jurídico de um tribunal brasileiro durante esta pandemia? Desde o início da pandemia, em 17 de março, a equipe da biblioteca do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região entrou em teletrabalho imediatamente. Apenas oContinue reading “Dia Típico de um Bibliotecário Jurídico de um Tribunal Brasileiro”

A Day in the Life of a Brazilian Court Librarian

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 13 (Em Português) Please note that several judicial websites in Brazil are no longer accessible from aboard because of cyber attacks reported early November. Therefore, a few of the links in our report might not work. We apologize for this inconvenience. 1. What is a typical dayContinue reading “A Day in the Life of a Brazilian Court Librarian”

Venezuelan Refugees Left Stranded

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 15 Since the beginning of COVID-19 in the region, Venezuelan refugees are usually mentioned among the worst affected groups in every single country where they are currently located: Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic and Trinidad and Tobago. The pandemic has significantly exacerbated the alreadyContinue reading “Venezuelan Refugees Left Stranded”

The Rule of Law in Ecuador During the Pandemic

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 14 The Ecuadorian health minister confirmed the country’s first case of Covid-19 on February 29, 2020. Ecuador’s early battle with the virus was well-documented globally, as it was the epicenter of the initial outbreak in Latin America. The port city of Guayaquil was particularly hit hard asContinue reading “The Rule of Law in Ecuador During the Pandemic”

Prestação Jurisdicional por Meio Remoto no Judiciário Brasileiro

Relatórios sobre COVID-19 em América Latina e o Caribe: No. 12 (In English) Depois de decretado o estado de calamidade pública pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro em função da transmissão do coronavírus, o judiciário adotou diversas medidas com a finalidade de preservar a saúde de magistrados, servidores, colaboradores e jurisdicionado e, também, de manter a prestação jurisdicional. Continue reading “Prestação Jurisdicional por Meio Remoto no Judiciário Brasileiro”

Remote Adjudication in the Brazilian Judiciary

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 12 (Em Português) After President Jair Bolsonaro declared a state of public emergency due to the transmission of the coronavirus, the judiciary adopted several measures in order to preserve the health of judges, civil servants, employees and the public and, also, to maintain adjudications.  Courts had little timeContinue reading “Remote Adjudication in the Brazilian Judiciary”

Current Demands on Brazil’s Labor Courts

COVID-19 Reports on Latin America and the Caribbean: No. 11 (Em Português) In Brazil, many workers were let go from their jobs due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Conciliations and mediations have become crucial due to the large volume of labor lawsuits that have resulted.  However, conciliations were down during the first part of the year because theyContinue reading “Current Demands on Brazil’s Labor Courts”